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Living Gently on the Earth

Join the Cathedral Eco Group for 'Living Gently on the Earth'... a series of community events, talks and workshops.

The Cathedral Eco Group invites the community to join a series of free events that all aim to help us learn how to live more gently on the earth. Thanks to National Lottery Funding secured by the Eco Group, we will be hosting these events for the whole community to come together and explore ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Explore faith, cooking, gardening, money matters, shopping and more... These events include a Big Green Family Fair in October in the Cathedral's medieval cloisters, for the whole family to come together, browse a range of eco-friendly crafts and produce and enjoy a green day out together! For more information, see below...

Upcoming Events

Our programme is designed to enable green and generous living in all its aspects. The programme also includes sessions on social action, justice, and raising awareness. This is what we have planned, with further sessions to be announced soon:

2024 Events

Thursday 8 August | 10.30am-1.30pm  Worcester Cathedral Annual Wildlife Survey
Participate in our annual wildlife survey to learn about nature with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
Starting at the North Porch entrance, 8 College Yard Worcester, WR1 2LA.
Please join us for a morning of fun and discovery for all ages in the Cathedral grounds, as we collect valuable data for this nationwide survey. We shall be looking at insect and plant life - and are once again delighted to have expert help and guidance from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust - who will also provide field guides and equipment on the day.
Bring a picnic lunch if you would like to stay.
Led by Julie, Connor and Lucy from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.
Please click here to book your free tickets.

Saturday 24 August | 7.30-9.30pm
‘The fascinating and mysterious world of Worcester Cathedral’s bats’
Did you know that England’s bat species are known as “environmental indicators” because their fates are so closely linked to the health of the natural world around us. Come and join us for an illustrated chat about the amazing bats of Worcestershire and hear more about the nationally important role which Worcester Cathedral plays for nature conservation.
We’ll take a walk around the cathedral’s grounds to look and listen for bats, and we’ll have special bat detectors allowing us to listen-in on the bats as they fly around hunting for insects.
Your bat evening (held on International Bat Night, celebrated in more than 30 countries) will be led by Cody Levine of Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Bat Group. Cody’s a chartered ecologist with more than 20 years’ experience working with wildlife, and has a particular interest in bats and lighting.
Please note:
- The route may include some inclines and uneven path [includes steps down to Kleve Walk and the riverside, an area which is partly illuminated].
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
- It’s recommended to bring a torch and wrap up warm!
Please click here to book your free tickets.

Saturday 5 October | 10am - 4pm
More details to follow soon.

Events are free to attend.

*Tickets are not compulsory for attendance but will ensure that you will have a place if the event is full and will help to give us a guide of how many people to expect. 

Past Events

Articles about these events can be viewed in our Eco Blog.

Thursday 23 May 2024
How can we all switch to a more sustainable 'circular economy' and lower our environmental footprint?

Thursday 6 June 2024
Hope in an Age of Crisis and Turmoil 

Thursday 25 April 2024
Human Health, Planetary Health: Same Thing?

Thursday 21 March 2024
Take the Jump

Thursday 22 February 2024
Social Justice in Action: Sierra Leone

Thursday 25 January 2024
Between Denial and Despair: A Christian perspective on Hope in an Ecological Emergency 

Thursday 7 December 2023
Addressing the Climate Crisis – A Debate with Worcester’s Parliamentary Candidates

Thursday 26 October 2023
From People to Planet: A New Vision of Christian Social Justice

Thursday 7 September 2023
Forest Church - An Introduction

Thursday 13 July 2023
Talking Climate Justice with the Bishop of Dudley

Thursday 22 June 2023
Exploring Social Justice for Christians

Thursday 8 June 2023
Wildlife Survey: 'You're Never too old for a Bug Hunt!'

Saturday 27 May 2023
Prayer in Nature: an eco-spirituality teaching and practical session

Thursday 27 April 2023
How we can use Worcester Cathedral’s heritage to engage our communities with green living.

Thursday 2 February 2023
Measuring Your Carbon Footprint and Acting on it

Saturday 5 November 2022
Green Travel: Cheaper, better, easier

Saturday 22 October 2022
Big Green Family Fair

Thursday 13 October 2022
Home and Building Energy: Reducing Energy Use and Saving Money

Thursday 6 October 2022
A visit to Envirosort's Norton Teaching Centre 

Thursday 29 September 2022
How to Live a Less Plastic Life

Sunday 25 September 2022
From Garden to Dish 

Thursday 7 July 2022
Putting Your Money Where Your Heart Is

Thursday 9 June 2022
Delicious Vegetarian Food Cooking Demonstration

Saturday 7 May 2022
How Faith Effects How We Care For The Planet