'You shall love your neighbour as yourself.'
From the Cathedral's Vision for 2025
In 2025 Worcester Cathedral will be a catalyst for campaigning and awareness on the environment and social justice.
For social justice, this means:
- Developing a forum/community within the cathedral for social justice to ‘identify, learn, act and pray’, coordinating our approach to mission & giving.
- Championing/raising awareness of current involvement/hosting local organisations for the vulnerable (Homelessness, foodbank etc).
- Becoming a Safe Place that provides a welcome for all.
Details of charities and actions we take part in are given here, together with the Cathedral's annual charitable giving at the bottom of this page.

Modern Slavery
Find out more about the Cathedral's work around modern slavery awareness.
Find out more...

Worcester Foodbank
Worcester Foodbank - donations can be made direct to the Foodbank or at local supermarkets. Their current list of urgently needed supplies can be found on their website www.worcester.foodbank.org.uk
Visit Worcester Foodbank
Maggs Day Centre
The Cathedral has supported the Maggs Day Centre for many years. Donations of food can be dropped off at the Maggs Day Centre on Deansway and clothing to the Clothing project on the Tything. Visit the website for full details.
Visit Maggs Day Centre
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
An annual global campaign which raises awareness of and calls for the elimination of violence against women and girls. The campaign runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. Events at the Cathedral are in partnership with the Mothers' Union.
Find out moreCharitable Giving
Each year the Cathedral Community supports a number of charitable and mission organisations. For 2023-24 these are:
Christian Aid Middle East Appeal
The Farming Community Network
Hereford and Worcester Dyslexia Association
The Bridge Counselling Service, Worcester