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What your donation can do

Did you know it costs over £8,000 a day to open the doors to Worcester Cathedral? We receive no regular financial support from the Government and this is why we need your help. 

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in supporting Worcester Cathedral's future - from volunteering your time to giving a donation. Your support will make a real difference to the Cathedral and our community. Thank you.

You can make a donation now, no matter how big or small and make a difference.

What your donation can do

£5 could help ensure candles are available for daily prayer

£30 could help provide resources for our young learners  

£50 could help preserve a book in our medieval Library

£75 could help buy new music scores for the Cathedral choir

£100 could help conserve our 11th century stonework


More Ways to Donate

Gift Aid your donation

Fill in our Gift Aid form here so we can reclaim 25p in every £1 of your donation.

Donate through Direct Debit

Regular giving can help us plan for the future. Just a few pounds a month can make a huge difference. To set up a Direct Debit payment click here.

Donate through BACS

You can make a payment directly using our bank details below. Please include a brief reference with your donation and download a single donation form here. 

Worcester Cathedral
Account No. 50182885
Sort Code. 20-98-61

Donate through the post

If you would prefer to send us a cheque, please download our single donation form here and return it to FREEPOST WORCESTER CATHEDRAL (no stamp required). 

American Donors

If you are a US taxpayer, you can donate tax efficiently to Worcester Cathedral by making your gift through the British Schools & Universities Foundation (Federal Tax ID 13-616-1189), a charitable organization approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under code Section 501(c)(3). Download the form here

Every donation is important to us.  If you would like to discuss supporting the Cathedral please do get in touch with the Development Team on

Telephone: 01905 732912