A day in the musical year of Worcester Cathedral may be endowed in perpetuity for £10,000 and dedicated to a loved one, in appreciation of a person/people, or in celebration of an event. Your dedication is recorded in a Commemorative Endow a Day of Music book, and held on permanent display in the Cathedral. You will also receive a certificate containing your personal dedication.
Each year, we invite you to attend your day of music and it is announced to the congregation during the evening service.

Endow a Day of Music
At a cost of nearly £300,000 per year, Worcester Cathedral has established a Music Endowment to provide an income to support the cost to help ensure the future of this unique choral tradition.
To discuss your gift, please telephone us on 01905 732912 or email: development@worcestercathedral.org.uk
Endow a Day leafletThere has been a choir at the Cathedral for over 1,000 years and since the 18th century, the Cathedral has been famous for its part in the annual Three Choirs Festival, the oldest choral festival in existence where composers such as Elgar, Vaughan Williams and Delius premiered their compositions.
Today, the Cathedral choir sings the daily services, concerts and radio broadcasts, maintaining and developing the tradition of choral music at Worcester Cathedral to a professional standard with a broad repertoire spanning many centuries.
The Voluntary Choir, founded in 1874, is unique among English Cathedrals, and the Chamber choir takes part in a wide variety of concerts throughout the year. We train choristers and offer choral and organ scholarships for young musicians at the beginning of their careers, and the Cathedral is at the forefront of the current renaissance in bell ringing and is home to the world’s first bell ringing purpose-built Teaching Centre.