Outdoor Worship 2025
WORSHIP IN THE GARDEN: meeting with God in creation
Worship in the Garden is a little unusual is that it will not take place inside the cathedral. Instead, we gather outside, come rain or shine. Our vision is to develop a service that focuses on worship of the Creator in creation, with creation, and aware of ourselves as a part of creation. So we pay attention to, and respond to, what is happening around us in the garden as the seasons change. The hope is to foster a pattern of creation-attuned worship that brings into focus those many aspects of the Bible and Christian tradition that celebrate the natural rhythms of the world, and the goodness of fields and rivers, trees and plants, and all creatures, great and small.
Our service has a traditional liturgical shape—with prayers and Bible readings, for instance—but pays special attention to the theme of creation as it connects to all aspects of Christian spirituality. A little more unusually we give regular space to silence and to hands-on engaging with the space around us (e.g., doing some gardening).
Worship in the Garden will not be for everyone, but if you find that you connect with God when outdoors it might be right up your street. Everyone is welcome.
We will meet at 3pm on the first Sunday of each month in the garden behind 15b (off College Green, entering through the doorway outside the Edgar Tower Gate).
If you want to know more or are interested in coming along, please email Revd Dr Robin Parry on RobinParry@worcestercathedral.org.uk
SACRED GARDEN: engaging with God in creation through creativity
Sacred Garden is a monthly event held at Worcester Cathedral for people who feel God’s presence when they’re out in nature. Our goal is to create and cultivate a time and space in which people can engage with the Creator in creation through using their creativity. Each month there will be a particular theme and then the opportunity to explore it in a range of ways. There will always be four different ‘stations’ with guided activities that people can choose from. Those will be:
A silent contemplation zone (which people can stay in for as long or short a time as they wish)
An art activity
A forest craft activity (e.g., wood chopping and whittling)
A gardening activity of a seasonally relevant kind
We seek to foster a welcoming and hospitable space for people to explore their own eco-spirituality in a Christian context. People of all faiths and none are most welcome.
We meet from 10am to 12pm on the third Saturday of each month in the garden behind 15b (off College Green, entering through the doorway outside the Edgar Tower Gate).
If you want to know more or are interested in coming along, please email Revd Dr Robin Parry on RobinParry@worcestercathedral.org.uk
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