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What We Believe

What We Believe

Worcester Cathedral is built for the glory of God, as a witness to our faith in Jesus Christ. Everything we do here has this faith at its heart.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and he reveals that God loves us. We believe that his teaching encourages us to love one another and to use our lives in the service of others. We believe that his resurrection from the dead shows us that death is not the end, and that love and hope conquer hate and despair.

Jesus lived around 2000 years ago, but his words, and the story of his life, death and resurrection still have the power to transform us today.

Finding out more...

EXPLORE is a resource for absolutely anyone who wants to find out more about Christian faith and spirituality. This website provides reflections, questions, and answer about faith which you may find helpful either during your visit to the Cathedral or when you get home.
Visit EXPLORE by clicking here.

There is a chaplain in the Cathedral most days who will be happy to listen, talk, and pray with you.