Join us this Holy Week and Easter as we welcome you for a packed programme of worship and music to mark and celebrate this most special time of year.
Palm Sunday | 13 April
10.30am The Liturgy of Palm Sunday
The congregation meets in Cathedral Square for the blessing of palms, followed by the procession into the Cathedral, the dramatic reading of the Passion, and the Eucharist.
6.30pm A Service of Music and Readings for Holy Week (sung by the Voluntary Choir)
Monday of Holy Week | 14 April
11.00am Chrism Eucharist
The clergy and lay ministers of the diocese renew their commitment to ministry, and oils are blessed for baptism, confirmation, ordination and the anointing of the sick.
5.30pm Evensong (lower voices)
8.00pm Compline (sung by the Chamber Choir)
The ancient and beautiful service of Compline or Night Prayer, with a short address.
Tuesday of Holy Week | 15 April
8.00pm Compline (sung by the Youth Choir)
The ancient and beautiful service of Compline or Night Prayer, with a short address.
Wednesday of Holy Week | 16 April
5.30pm Evensong
8.00pm Compline (lower voices)
The ancient and beautiful service of Compline or Night Prayer, with a short address.
Maundy Thursday | 17 April
12.15pm Devotional Performance of Stabat Mater Paul Carr by the Youth Choir
8.00pm The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday (with incense)
This Eucharist commemorates the Last Supper, and includes the procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose for the watch, a time of silent prayer commemorating the Lord's agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Cathedral remains open until midnight for those who wish to take part in the watch.
Good Friday | 18 April
8.00am Morning Prayer and Litany
1.30pm The Liturgy of Good Friday
The Liturgy includes the choral recitation of the Passion, prayers of intercession, the veneration of the cross, and concludes with the giving of Holy Communion.
5.30pm Evening Prayer
Easter Eve | 19 April
8.00am Morning Prayer
5.30pm Evening Prayer
8.00pm The Easter Liturgy (with incense)
The Easter Liturgy service begins with a vigil, followed by the lighting of the Easter candle, and the baptism or confirmation of candidates from across the diocese. All take part in the renewal of baptismal vows, and the first Eucharist of Easter.
Easter Day | 20 April
7.30am Morning Prayer
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist (with incense)
4.00pm Evensong
6.30pm A Service of Music and Readings for Easter (sung by the Voluntary Choir)
Please click here to view our full calendar of services throughout Holy Week and Easter.